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How New Agent Get Appointment?

1. Purchase E&O:

Purchase Option B $452 so you could sell annuity

2. Goto Surancebay to apply for Appointment:

3. Contac Office assistant Kenny


School Application

Getting Carrier Contract is Simplified

NEW!! using SureLC

All agent must use the following link to set up your agent profile and carrier contracting by clicking the following:​

First-time producers will simply select the REGISTER NEW ACCOUNT hyperlink to initiate the registration process. Please note ONLY licensed producers registered with NIPR will be able to complete registration.  

  • ​A PDB report request is pulled from NIPR

  •  Log-in credentials are created


We’ve recorded a video of SureLC-Web for Producers. This is an overview video that you can share with your producers who want to know more, as well as how it works.  Additional training links are also provided that we feel will be helpful.


Form Downloads

Make sure download all forms

Income Goal

Rockwood E&O Application

Matching Guidlines

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