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Tall Buildings

Equity Share Program

EquityShare Unlocks Equity In Your Home

Our partners co-investment in your home, you get cash today in exchange for a share in the appreciation or depreciation of your home. There’s no extra debt, no interest, and no monthly payments!

Unlock Your Equity WISELY!

You request an Investment and receive a preapproval.

You request an Estimate

Based on the information you provide, our partners will prepare an investment Estimate for your property and assign you to a dedicated investment manager to assist you throughout the process.

We prepare the numbers

If it's a mutual fit and you decide to apply, you'll complete a short online application.

You fill out an application

We'll order a third-party home appraisal to determine the value of your home. Based on this data, combined with the information in your application, we'll prepare an investment offer.

We finalize your offer

Once you accept our investment offer, together we'll schedule the closing.

We schedule a closing together

A few days after you close, our partners will wire you the funds in exchange for an Equity Share investment in your home.

We wire funds

You use the funds however you choose, while continuing to live in your home - enjoy it, take care of it, keep current on your obligations and make good memories.

You relax and enjoy!

Ready To Make A Move?

See if you qualify for an EquityShare investment

Thanks for submitting!


So what exactly does EquityShare do?

EquityShare is a way for homeowners to be paid today for the equity they’ve accumulated in their property – without getting a loan. Our partners invest alongside homeowners, providing cash today and participating in the proceeds at the time of a sale.

What's the difference between EquityShare and a loan?

Unlike a lender, partners receive no monthly payments or guaranteed return on the money they have invested. For some, taking an equity investment can be an intelligent way to fund the opportunities and needs that come up in life while eliminating the “debt-stress” of increased monthly payments.

Who can use EquityShare?

Because there are a lot of factors that go into determining if EquityShare can make an investment in a property, there isn’t a black-and-white list of criteria. Each property is evaluated independently. That’s why we suggest homeowners complete an application so that our Investment Managers have the information they need to speak with you about your specific scenario. Some of the things that tend to make homeowners an ideal fit include:

  • Your single-family home or condo is located in a state in which we’re currently operational

  • While we don’t have a FICO credit score requirement, homeowners’ credit scores are typically above 600

  • You have a minimum of 25% equity in your home

  • You live in your home at least six months out of the year (we do not currently invest in vacation homes)

  • The investment amount you’re looking for is under 30% of your total home value or under $300,000 (this is the maximum amount that we can invest, and it will depend on home value and equity percentage, as well)

How long do I have to settle a Equityshare Investment?

The term of the Investment is 10 years. You can either sell your house during the term or you can buy out our Investment with savings, or by taking out a home equity (or other) loan. We call this Settling the Investment.

In what states is this program available?

This program is currently able to invest in homes in the following states (but more are on the way):

  • Arizona

  • California

  • Florida

  • Maryland

  • Massachusetts

  • Michigan

  • Minnesota

  • New Jersey

  • New York

  • North Carolina

  • Oregon

  • Virginia

If you don’t see your home state listed here quite yet, be sure to check back in with us soon. We’re growing quickly and expanding our reach to as many homeowners as possible!

When am I expected to pay fees and when do I receive my investment?

You will receive your investment amount exactly four days after the investment agreement is signed, through a wire transfer to the account you choose. The closing costs are deducted from the investment total, so you have no out-of-pocket costs. There is no payment to be made until you are selling the home or, when you decide to you are settling the investment (which you can do at any point within the ten year period).

What are the fees associated with closing an investment?

Our partner charges a fee equal to 3% of the Investment amount for arranging and funding the Investment. There are no other fees from a partner, however, the appraisal and other third-party costs associated with the closing (i.e.: escrow, attorney/notary, and document recording) are deducted from the Investment amount when you get your money. So that there are no hidden fees or surprises, we provide a detailed estimate after you submit an application, including all of the final costs of obtaining the investment.

What are my obligations if I take an investment?

During the term of the Investment (10 years), you are responsible for maintaining your home, making timely mortgage, insurance, and property tax payments, as well as informing us if and when you plan to sell your home. During this time, you do not owe any payments and the Investment does not accrue any interest.

What if I want to renovate or paint the house purple? Do I have to tell the Investor?

No, we’re not involved in any renovation decisions and we don’t share in any of the home value attributable to renovations, as determined by an appraiser.
So, if you’re renovating to make your life better, excellent! If you’re renovating in the hopes of increasing the value of your home, just do your homework. Some renovations add more value than others; some don’t pay for themselves at all.

Do you offer renovation adjustments?

Yes!  You may request an adjustment to the agreed home value to account for any appreciation in the value of the property as a result of certain qualified renovations amounting to $25,000 or more. Here’s how it works: At time of settlement, the homeowner provides us with evidence of the renovation, including receipts and photographs of the renovation. The amount of a renovation adjustment, if approved by Investor, will be the difference, as determined by an appraiser, between the appraised value of the property post-renovation and the hypothetical value of the property without the renovations. Accepted renovation adjustments are not guaranteed.

After an investment, does the Investor conduct random inspections?

No. Assuming you are doing the things a responsible homeowner does (like paying your taxes, mortgage, and insurance, and maintaining your home), we will not be popping by for a visit.

What if I want to sell my house before the term is up?

No problem – it’s totally up to you; just loop us in. The investor will receive their share from the proceeds of the sale.

What happens if I don’t sell the home by the end of the term and want to keep it or pass it on to my kids? What do I owe?

If you don’t want to sell your house during the term, you can Settle the Investment in the same way with savings or by taking out a home equity (or other) loan. Any settlement is based on the current market value of the home.

What happens if the value of my home goes down?

In exchange for upfront cash investment, the Investor receives a share of the sale or market price of the home. If the value doesn’t go up and they make less, they make less. That’s the risk they take, and that’s for Investors to worry about, not you.

What happens if my house burns down?

That would be awful and we hope that never happens. If the property can be repaired and restored to its condition before the disaster, then great and that’s the plan. If it cannot be repaired and restored, the Investor will use an appraiser to determine the value of the property before the disaster and they will receive their share from the insurance proceeds, in the same way as if you had sold the property.

Are investors involved in the process when I’m ready to sell my home?

You do not need permission from investors to sell. When you decide to sell, you are responsible for notifying investors:

  • When you plan to list the house for sale

  • Within 24 hours of receipt of a binding offer (yay!) and include a copy of the offer

While they will not tell you which offer to accept, the sale price must approximate or exceed the market value of the home. They will work with you to settle the investment as part of the normal closing process; like you, and unlike a bank, they are motivated to get top dollar for any house they have invested in.

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